The National Museum of the American Sailor
As an official Department of the Navy Museum under the Naval History and Heritage Command, the National Museum of the American Sailor’s mission is to collect, preserve, and interpret the history of the United States Navy’s Enlisted Sailor for the benefit of the US. Navy and the people of the United States. NMAS will fulfill this mission by:
- Serving as a vital part of the heritage training process for all Navy recruits and connecting them to the Navy’s long tradition of Honor, Courage, and Commitment. The institution also plays an important role in the Navy community by hosting naval traditions and activities that promote Naval Heritage to the greater community.
- Collecting and exhibiting United States Naval history that is accurate, complete and unbiased.
- Preserving the physical legacy and historical experiences of the Navy’s Enlisted Sailor for the benefit of the United States Navy and the general public.
- Anticipating the United States Navy’s future historical needs by creating strategies and policies for the selection and acquisition of historical material.
- Developing innovative and inspirational educational programs and exhibits that broaden and deepen public knowledge and appreciation of the significance of the United States Sailor.
The National Museum of the American Sailor is located at Naval Station Great Lakes, the home of the Navy’s only boot camp. Naval Station Great Lakes is located approximately 40 miles north of Chicago, 15 miles south of the Wisconsin state line and several miles east of Interstate 94 and U. S. 41.
Click here for directions
As the museum is located immediately outside of the perimeter fence of Naval Station Great Lakes, base access is not needed and visitors to the National Museum of the American Sailor do not need Visitor’s passes.
Museum Hours and Admission
The National Museum of the American Sailor is open from 9:00 AM (0900) to 5:00 PM (1700) Monday-Saturday. The museum is closed on federal holidays.
Admission to the National Museum of the American Sailor is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
Guided tours and additional hours by appointment.
Please call (847) 688-3154 for more information.
Museum Contact Information
National Museum of the American Sailor
2531 Sheridan Road
Great Lakes, IL 60088
Naval History and Heritage Command-National Museum of the American sailor: